My Rainbow of Friendships by Candace Naliboff, Director of Member Services

In June, 2012, when I moved to Charlotte, I knew only my husband and my daughter…a daunting beginning to a new chapter of my life, especially if you know what a people person I am! I tell this story to all the new members that I meet- about how I threw myself into the temple as I figured that was the only way that I was going to meet people. And did I ever! My closest friends are also part of our temple family, and for that, I am blessed.

One of the committees that I barged my way onto was Keshet – for those of you who do not know about Keshet (Hebrew for rainbow), it is our temple’s LGBTQ committee for advocacy and education. What started as a chavurah many years ago, has blossomed into a great group of people- LGBTQ and allies. They have represented our Jewish community in the Greater Charlotte community around important issues that affect our LGBTQ friends and family. With the help of Rabbi Judy and the Board of Directors, our temple has come out against both Amendment One and HB2. We have been voices in the wilderness, so to speak, of championing equality for all. We continue to have a clergy team for whom this is close to their hearts. I am so grateful that is true.Hamantaschen For Web

But, besides being that voice for Temple Beth El, Keshet also bakes…and that is one of our passions. Every year, we bake hamantaschen for Purim that we sell to our community. The proceeds help us fund our booth at the annual PRIDE celebration in August. Many of you have stopped by the booth to say hello and to tell us how happy it makes you that our temple has a presence at PRIDE.

Well, Purim is coming and so is Keshet’s hamantaschen! Please visit our table on March 10th, the night of Education Shabbat, to buy your Purim goodies and to support this very important part of our community.

Oh, and if you are interested in being a part of Keshet, we have a meeting on June 14th at 7:00 pm for all who are interested. Come join our rainbow of friends…we would love to have you!

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