Spice Girls TriBE Hosts a Sweet Passover Seder by Beth Lewis

This past weekend, the Spice Girls TriBE hosted a Women’s Chocolate Seder. With an updated Haggadah and homemade chocolate treats as Seder plate items, this event was unlike any other.

The event, attended by 65 beautiful women from Temple Beth El and the greater Charlotte Jewish community, was an amazing success that will continue to grow in years to come.

Some event highlights included individual seder plates for every attendee with items such as chocolate-dipped apples coated in coconut (charoset), chili-infused chocolate (bitter herb), and a chocolate-dipped strawberry topped in sea salt (parsley in saltwater). All attendees were also treated to a delicious lunch from Izzy’s Catering and homemade macaroons, dipped in chocolate, of course! There was wine and chocolate milk aplenty and even some green chocolate frogs to nibble on while we read from our haggadot. There was singing, laughing, and chatting with friends that we have not seen in a while.  A fun addition to the event was a photo booth where guests could pose as their most dreaded plague and save a memory from the time spent with their friends.

One day post-hosting my first TBE event, my brain is already spinning as I think of new ways to add fun and creative things next year to make it even better. Our TriBE’s goal is to have 100+ women attend our new “signature event” next year!

I want to thank all The Spice Girls (Merrill Schenkel, Marcia Kaplan, Mara Gose, Lori Trapani, and Janis Nathansohn) for seeing a need and helping bring back an event that was clearly missed by the community. Thanks to Andy Harkavy for being the event cheerleader, Nathalie Friedlander for being my constant calm, and of course TBE Clergy and Staff for cheering us on the whole way! As a community, we are incredibly lucky to have such an amazing team guiding us.

If you are interested in being a part of a constantly changing TriBE that thinks (and cooks) outside of the box – please complete the Find My New TriBE Form

If you want to learn more about TriBEs, find your TriBE, start a TriBE, or become a TriBE Leader, please visit the TriBE Webpage

We would like your help with our TriBE Spotlight that is part of the monthly TriBE email. Could you or someone in your TriBE write a brief overview of your TriBE or write about current happenings, an anecdote, a particular moving or interesting meeting/topic, etc.? You can send it to Kelly Markiewitz or Beth Lewis. Your help is greatly appreciated!  

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