Supporting Our College Students

Dear Temple Beth El Family, 

We are writing to let you know that your clergy team is deeply concerned about the events currently unfolding on college campuses across the country, including here in North Carolina. We want to be sure that all our college students in our community feel Temple Beth El’s embrace and we want to help connect them, as much as possible, to resources where available. 

While we firmly believe that the right to peacefully protest should be protected, when language is weaponized to incite violence and hatred against any group of people, that right must be rescinded. Right now, college students are being asked to make binary black and white decisions about a deeply nuanced issue. We want our college students to know that first and foremost, Temple Beth El clergy are here to be a support and a listening ear, regardless of their questions or perspectives.  

If you have a child who is a student in college, please take a moment to fill out this contact form so we can be in touch. In this incredibly challenging time, please know that your clergy are here for you. Do not hesitate to reach out to Tracey Lederer, Clergy and Lead Administrative Assistant.


Rabbi Asher Knight 
Rabbi Beth Nichols 
Rabbi Lexi Erdheim 
Cantor Jessica Roskin  

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