Welcome Student Rabbi Ally Karpel for a Summer Internship of Growth and Learning

We are thrilled to announce that from June 6 through August 1, Temple Beth El has been chosen to host Student Rabbi Ally Karpel for an eight-week summer internship. Ally is a rising third-year rabbinical student at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR) in Los Angeles. Our primary goal is to contribute to her growth as a rabbi and support her learning from our professional and lay team. This is a fantastic opportunity for Temple Beth El to have a role in teaching and training a future Reform rabbi who will go on to serve a community in North America.

Originally from Dallas, Texas, Ally graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a degree in speech-language pathology and social work. During her time there, she was heavily involved in the campus Jewish community, serving as the president of the University Interfaith Council and co-founding the Texas Hillel Bella Abzug Social Justice Fellowship. 

Before enrolling in rabbinical school, Ally worked for the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism in various roles. As an Eisendrath Legislative Assistant, she led the Reform Movement’s federal advocacy efforts on many issues. Later, she served as the campaign organizer for the WRJ-RAC Reproductive Health & Rights Campaign, where she developed strategies for the Reform Movement’s reproductive rights advocacy at local, state, and federal levels. 

Throughout her studies at HUC-JIR, Ally has participated in numerous fellowships and initiatives. She was an Elissa Froman Social Change Fellow with the New Israel Fund, a T’ruah Summer Human Rights Fellow, and currently serves as the student rabbi at Congregation Sukkat Shalom in Juneau, Alaska. Ally’s academic interests and accomplishments are extensive. She is a top student in her class. 

During her summer internship at Temple Beth El, Ally will undertake various responsibilities designed to help her grow as a rabbi and support our congregation. She will shadow our clergy, teach Torah study, co-plan and lead worship, preach, and participate in our pastoral team, and work with B’nei Mitzvah Students.  

We encourage our community members to welcome, meet, and interact with Student Rabbi Ally Karpel beginning mid-June. If you are interested in hosting Ally for dinner, please contact Tracey Lederer, Lead Administrative Clergy Assistant. We are looking forward to an enriching summer experience with Ally!

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