Finding Spirituality Every Single Day by Alan Kronovet

Although my Jewish identity has always been strong, I never thought of myself as an observant, learned or spiritual Jew.  Like most I wondered – still do, at times – about the existence and nature of God. Sometimes I found services formulaic or the sermons stilted and wondered why I was going to another  Shabbat […]

Creating My Spiritual Nest by Amanda Innerfield

In 2018, I completed my conversion to Judaism. Much of my 2017 and 2018 was spent researching and attending Jewish events, attempting to fill my mind with all things involving Judaism. I participated in Elements of Judaism and the Choosing Judaism course. Temple Beth El and Shalom Park became my second home during this period. […]

Growing Up, Changing Spiritually by Max Malter

In the midst of the chaos of moving to a new city with my partner, I recently attended Friday evening services for the first time in several years. There wasn’t one single reason I hadn’t been to in a synagogue in so long. In college, I discovered how at ease I felt expressing my Judaism […]

Friday Night Lights by Claire Krusch

“Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it Holy” Exodus 20:8 As a child, my sister and I had specific chores that we had to do. Mine was the not-so-glamorous task of taking out the garbage every evening after dinner. Fridays were terrific. Dinner was a little later and less rushed. I had no homework that […]

Developing Trust, Despite Differences by Rob Abramowitz

When we first met, I was a new psychologist, just beginning to feel comfortable with troubled people coming to me for help. He was as different from me as one could imagine. He was a dark-skinned African American man. His military background, athletic and artistic accomplishments, his broken family history were all outside my own […]

My Sister’s Light: Tikkun Olam by Amy Fine

I was two and a half when my sister Lauren was born. Seven weeks early and weighing 3lbs, 10oz, she came out fighting. Everyone was impressed by how quickly she moved through the NICU, coming home healthy and strong. 27 years later, we continue to be impressed by the way Lauren moves through life. I’m […]

On Choosing Relationship and Connection over Judgement and Discomfort by Allison Winston

For the past four years, as a Street Outreach Specialist for Urban Ministry Center, I’ve had the opportunity to work with Charlotte’s most vulnerable, often invisible population: those experiencing long-term, unsheltered homelessness. I spend most of my time with those who sleep in encampments in the woods, on park benches, on the streets of Uptown, […]

Finding My Light by Becky Stamler

There is much light in so many people I know. I’ve known professional mentors who guided me in their footsteps to do fulfilling, purposeful work; courageous people who have faced personal demons that have assaulted their well-being; the steadfast folx who make the Transformative journey of affirming their truth; and my wife, Lisa, who gets […]