Plan Your Journey

Plan Your Journey

Consider ways you would like to experience the season differently given everything we’ve been through in the last few years. Perhaps you want to explore Mishkan HaNefesh, Temple’s new High Holy Day Machzor, lend your voice to our choir, learn to blow the shofar, greet at services, take a hike at our awesome Wildacres Retreat, or participate in Tashlich. We have many ways for you to experience the meaningful messages of the season: hope, healing, gratitude, a commitment to make a better world, an openness to growth, and a celebration of the sweetness of life.

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Volunteer Opportunities

Your participation and support are essential to making our High Holy Days a meaningful and enriching experience for all. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to our community.

Sukkah Builders

Join our team to build our congregational sukkah! It’s always a fun group and a great time. We will be constructing the Sukkah on Tuesday, October 15 and taking it down on Wednesday, October 23. Times will be scheduled based on the group's availability.